Monday, October 10, 2016

                                      KILLER CLOWNS!

   Hey guys, so have y'all heard about the Killer Clowns, I have and it's not no joke! Already kids, teenagers even grown ups hate clowns even if it's a costume for Halloween. I personally don't like clowns but killer clowns...ah hell nah i'm good. Do you know they've threaten states, cities, schools, and people. They even got on the news and had schools shut down. People are taking precautions when it comes to Halloween night even when leaving the house. Nobody wants to get killed or hurt. Now I'm started to see people on Instagram and YouTube videos people not playing around with these clowns even if some of them are joking. Some people are smart they take no chance, so me being noisy I look up stuff and got lot of information. I saw people stabbing, jumping, beating up clowns and it's funny but slightly sad. Why should parents be worried for their kids when dropping them at school and having their kids come home talking about how scared they are. Why should i be scared of getting kidnapped trick or treatin' on Halloween, NOT OK!


    Please comment and leave your opinion, we all need to be heard not scared.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


     Hey guys, as you can see I deleted all my blogs from last year. Looking at them I was young and was doing just for fun. But now I'm starting to look at the world in a different perspective and I talk more offend, I'm starting to blog all the thoughts I'm thinking in my head. Hoping I can help and inspirit some people. My blogs are mostly going to be about my point of view, opinions on stuff and things I've tried. I'm going to make this as fun as possible and keep my updates on time. My old blogs I saw I got a lot of view from around the world like France, Romania, West Africa and somewhat China. I'm hoping you guys will join me on my journey again to Neverland?Yes... no, don't know? Will just wait and see!